Introducing eHealth
The use of the Internet, email, social networking sites and mobile phones are rapidly expanding in Ghana. Between 60% and 80% of people in the country are estimated to be using mobile phones. These tools and platforms are creating opportunities for the effective use of e-Health solutions to improve national health systems. GCNet has recently launched 3 e-Health services.
About eHealth
The World Health Assembly in 2018 acknowledged the potential of digital technologies to play a major role in improving public health, where delegates agreed on a resolution on digital health. The resolution urges Member States to prioritize the development and greater use of digital technologies in health as a means of promoting Universal Health Coverage and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. (71st World Health Assembly, 2018; Geneva, Switzerland)
In short, e-Health is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to improve public-health.
GCNet’s e-Health team works with partners at the global, regional and Ghana’s country level to promote and strengthen the use of ICT in health development.
Our Products

The electronic Health Management Information Systems module (records management facility) is an electronic platform comprising a comprehensive web enabled services provided to health service users, providers and payers. The eHMIS automatizes the Preventive Health Care Services that can be utilized by Employers, Insurers and Health Care Providers and users of the services.

SORMAS (Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an open source mobile eHealth System that processes disease control and outbreak management procedures in addition to surveillance and early detection of outbreaks through real-time digital surveillance including peripheral health care facilities and laboratories.

e-Health Single Window
The e-Health Single Window Health Management Platform connects all players in the Ghana health sector including doctors, health institutions, pharmacies, laboratories among others to formalise the paperless regime in the health industry and to establish electronic health records for the users of the health services.
To find out more about our extensive range of products and services and how we can help you improve your healthcare services, speak to one of our experts today.